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Hi Friends! What’s new with you? We’ve been working on a lot of different projects, and since it’s been so warm here lately, we’ve been sprucing up the yard. Around here, February has always been the month to plant spring flowers, so that’s just one of the things that we accomplished this weekend. 

But before the flowers could be situated in their new space, I gave the planters a quick makeover with spray paint, and these painted flower pots look so much better now.

plain flower planters painted with oil rubbed bronze rustoleum spray paint

We bought this dark oil rubbed bronze flower pot last week, but when  Hubby put it outside, it didn’t match the planter that was already there. Now, Hubs had no problem with that, but I have this need to have things that match, and just wasn’t feeling the love for this arrangement at all.

oil rubbed bronze planter with flowers

The problem is that the nicer planters aren’t as inexpensive as the plain ones, of course, so I told the Hubs that I wanted to buy some cheaper planters and spray paint them to match the nicer one. So after looking at me like I had grown two heads, he finally agreed. He knows I spray paint indoor things all the time, but it never occurred to him that it’s perfectly acceptable to paint over outside things too — strange. 

So anyway, we made another trip to the store and came back with these two plain terra cotta colored planters.

plastic terra cotta planters

We bought some Rust-Oleum brand paint in oil rubbed bronze and went to work. Hubby helped with this part because my hand got tired after a while. This particular metallic paint is super thick and sometimes the nozzle gets clogged and has to be cleaned off. But it works like a charm!

terra cotta planters painted with oil rubbed bronze spray paint

After the paint dried, I took a gold paint pen and added some color around the lines. The
planter that we bought first has some gold detail, and I wanted to mimic that design. 

gold details on oil rubbed bronze planter

Here they all are together. I couldn’t believe how well the painted pots matched the original one! They really look like they were all purchased together, and the arrangement looks SO much better now. Plus, this was a lot cheaper than buying three of these pots from the store.

Now that I see them together, I think maybe I should have added some gold to the bottoms of the pots too. Oh well, since I don’t want to try to paint them now, I’ll just let it go.  

three oil rubbed bronze planters with petunias pansies geraniums stock and violas

We planted petunias, violas, pansies, stock and geraniums. The geraniums are my favorite — love that pretty coral color! The kids like the stock because my husband taught them how to make the flowers open and talk!

Yep — We’re weird that way!

coral geraniums in planter

We also bought some cilantro and succulents for the inside, and hopefully, I can keep them alive and well. I can handle the kids but not plants. They’re too quiet and don’t demand my attention, I guess!

Thanks for stopping by to see my little makeover. Have a wonderful day! 🙂

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  1. Winnie says:

    These are beautiful. Fresh spring in the middle of winter 🙂

  2. Dee M says:

    Thanks! I felt bad about posting the flowers when so many of you are having horrible weather. So, feel free to rub it this summer! 🙂

  3. Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes says:

    How nice to see spring flowers and pretty pots while it is freezing and about to snow here! Thanks for linking up with Best of the Weekend!

  4. Dee M says:

    Thanks so much, BJ! I'll be right over. 🙂

  5. bj says:

    These look great and who would know they were the cheaper ones. Great job.
    here from Rattlebridge…come over to see me..:)

  6. Dee M says:

    Ooh, that sounds helpful! I'll have to look for one of those! 🙂

  7. Joani says:

    They look awesome. I'm always grabbing the spray paint as well. I have a thingamagig that I put on top so I can grip it to spray. Have a great day.

  8. Dee M says:

    Thanks so much, Rue. I'm glad they turned out like I wanted. 🙂