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Hey there! I was all set to do some fall baking today, but the weather has decided not to cooperate, and we’re back to the triple digits again — ugh!  That’s life in the desert! Since it was so warm out, I was in the mood for something cool and refreshing, but I really wanted to make something seasonal. I also had a can of pumpkin puree that was calling to me. So, instead of baking, I made this Easy Pumpkin Smoothie instead. Just think of it as fall in a glass!


This is definitely a first for me. Even though my family loves smoothies, we usually make them with fruit, and they’re on the sweet side. But I’m on a serious pumpkin kick lately, so I thought I’d give this one a try. We had all of the ingredients, and I just had to haul out the blender.

I have two family members who do not care for pumpkin anything, and I could just imagine them rolling their eyes at the thought of a pumpkin smoothie. They know who they are! So I know they think I’m slightly obsessed with this gourd lately, but really, pumpkins are loaded with potassium, vitamin A, and a bunch of other good things. Plus, they’re also very low in calories, so this is one fall treat that you can enjoy without feeling guilty.

This smoothie is packed with flavor, but it really isn’t sweet. I added a little maple syrup because I thought some degree of sweetness was needed. You can definitely taste the pumpkin and a little spice, but it’s not the same as drinking a milkshake or anything like that. 

Still, I loved the taste and so did the pumpkin lovers in the family.


Ingredients for Easy Pumpkin Smoothie

  • I cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1 cup vanilla yogurt
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons real maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups ice


Add all of the ingredients to a blender, and blend until smooth.
If it seems too thick, you can add more milk.
Refrigerate any leftovers.

This pumpkin smoothie is very refreshing and really not heavy at all. So It’s a fun way to enjoy the flavors of fall without baking. I whipped this up right before the kiddos came home, so they had it for their after-school snack, but you could probably make it for a quick breakfast, as well.

And if it’s already cool and crisp in your neck of the woods, well, I kind of envy you right now!  Hopefully, it’ll cool down in these parts soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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  1. Miz Helen says:

    We will just love your Pumpkin Smoothie. Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a wonderful day.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  2. Michelle Nahom says:

    This looks delicious! I've never made a pumpkin smoothie before! Time to try one! 🙂 Happy Friday, Dee!

  3. foody schmoody says:

    We're the same, we make tons of smoothies w/ fruit. I am also a big pumpkin lover but NEVER thought to use it in a smoothie. I wonder if I can get the rest of them on board….I'm going to try!

  4. Dee M says:

    Thanks, Brenda! I think any milk would work with this, and the yogurt does give it a nice, smooth texture. 🙂

  5. Dee M says:

    Ooh, a coffee pumpkin drink sounds divine! 🙂

  6. Brenda Young says:

    I love pumpkin smoothies, I usually use vanilla almond milk, hasn't tried adding yogurt or maple syrup, I imagine it adds a nice smooth texture will have to give it a go!

  7. Erlene A says:

    I like the idea of having the flavor of fall with no baking. I found a coffee pumpkin drink that uses only part of the pumpkin puree and I can use the remainder to make this for the kids.