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Hi Friends! I’m just slightly addicted to sugar scrubs lately, especially now that it’s sandal season. The kids and I finished the last batch of scrubs we made, so it was time to whip up another batch. So yesterday, I made a scrumptious orange cream sugar scrub that not only smells amazing, but also does wonders for dry skin! 

homemade sugar scrub with orange and vanilla essential oils

I absolutely love the taste and scent of orange and vanilla blended together. It’s honestly one of my all-time favorite combos, and it’s probably why I’m also crazy about Creamsicles. And since Creamsicles remind me of summer, I really wanted to capture that delicious flavor in a sugar scrub. 

I used orange essential oil, which is slightly invigorating and offers a nice pick-me-up in the morning. We were out of vanilla extract, which wasn’t really a surprise considering the amount of baking that goes on around here. 

So, I used a few drops of Stress Away, which is one my favorite Young Living Essential Oil blends. It contains vanilla and has a very subtle calming vanilla scent. Of course, you can substitute vanilla extract if you have it!

coconut oil with orange essential oil and stress away oil blend



  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 5 drops orange essential oil
  • 4 drops Stress Away blend or vanilla extract


Scoop the sugar into a half-pint mason jar, and add the coconut oil.
Add the essential oils, and stir everything together until well blended.
When I was making this, the kids thought it looked like shaved ice, so that might be another treat to make this summer!
orange and vanilla sugar scrub in a half pint mason jar

Aren’t those the easiest directions?! As pricey as scrubs are when you buy them, it amazes me that they’re so incredibly easy to make. Wish I had known about this years ago, but really, better late than never!

And the nice thing about making your own scrubs is that you can adjust the scents. I think I mentioned this before, but I’m not a fan of heavily scented products, so I tend to be conservative when I add the oils. If you’re looking for a stronger scent, just add some more drops until the combo is right for you.

homemade orange cream sugar scrub in a mason jar for summer

I love the orange cream sugar scrub because it’s invigorating, yet calming at the same time — perfect for mornings or after a day at the beach or pool. Just think of it as a Creamsicle without the calories!

What are your favorite summer scents?  Have you made any sugar scrubs lately? I’m always looking for more ideas.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Darlene says:

    I don’t have any pure vanilla extract what can I use instead of it ? Vanilla eos or something else?

    1. Dee says:

      The vanilla is just for scent, so a little dab of lotion should be fine.

  2. Stacy says:

    what can you use instead of coconut oil? I hate coconut and the way it smells, but would really love to make my own scrub.

    1. Dee says:

      You could probably use any type of oil, but coconut oil has so many benefits, and pure coconut oil doesn’t smell like coconut. It really has no scent so it’s perfect for scrubs.

      1. Stacy Marsh says:

        Thank you so much!!

  3. AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa says:

    My daughter made a scrub for me and I loved it. I just have to get the orange oil and I can make my own! Trying this!

  4. Rue says:

    This reminds me that I need to work on my feet. It's sandal time after all 🙂


  5. Dee M says:

    Too funny — I just asked my husband if he would use this. I think it would be great for guys! 🙂

  6. Dee M says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by. These do make good gifts, and people seem to really like them. 🙂

  7. Michele @ The Nest at Finch Rest says:

    Oh I think I need to make this for my husband – he ONLY uses lemon or orange scented things – seriously, all his soaps, even his toothpaste – blech, I tried it once and it was awful.)

    Thanks, may try this as a little gifty for him.


  8. kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen says:

    I like making scrubs and give them as gifts. This one sounds amazing, and I love the combo of scents.