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Encouraging Your Kids to Get Along

Hi There!

How is your summer going? I’m loving the relaxed days and the extra time I get to spend with my kids. And the kids are really enjoying the time off from school. The problem is that they haven’t exactly been thrilled with the extra time spent in each other’s company, and this means I’ve been spending more time playing referee — so NOT fun! I know sibling rivalry is normal, especially in large families, but I’d sincerely like us all to spend more time enjoying the lazy days of summer and less time living in a battle zone.

For me, the last straw was the food fight that broke out when two of the kids were helping with dessert and couldn’t agree on how the ice cream should be served. Luckily, the fur boys were on hand to help clean the floor!

So, I’m going to be trying a little experiment that will hopefully help the kids understand each other a bit better and possibly even help them enjoy each other’s company a tiny bit more. At the very least, I’m hoping it will eliminate the food fights. 

My experiment is called The Summer of Peace, Love and Sibling Harmony, and it simply asks the kids to put themselves in each other’s shoes for a short time and get to know each other as people a little bit better — Groovy, huh?!

kids in tennis shoes, converse
So far, I’m mixing up the room assignments, having them teach each other their favorite hobbies and going clothes shopping for each other — with me buying! They’ve been grumbling about my evil plan all day, but they’re already working out the details!
I’ll let you know how my plan for peace and harmony is working next week, and I’ll share more of the details. Hopefully, the kids will spend less time fighting and more time growing closer.
two girls with flowers in their hair
I know this post is slightly different, but since the kids are home, I’m in more of a mommy mode. So, maybe I’ll focus on family happenings or random fun posts each Friday. And, if I can bring more peace into the home, I’ll have more time to churn out the usual crafty projects and share some recipes. 

And, if you have any ideas for promoting sibling harmony, let me know — I’d love to hear them!

Thanks for listening — Have a wonderful day! 

Dee ๐Ÿ™‚

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